Good start to the racing season

by Mette Rodgers

TTRC crews finally saw action in the Quintin Head on Saturday 20th January after an autumn plagued by cancellations due to bad weather conditions.

Both the women’s 8+ and men’s 8+ were among 300 crews competing in the race – one of the biggest Tideway VIIIs rowing heads and the first of the winter racing season.

The women’s 8+ – made up of cox Michael Tchoubouroff, Kasia Wroblewska, Women’s Captain Jackie Marie, Barbara Kielim, Izzy Meron, Louise Martin, Hana Fegutova, Mette Rodgers and Sue Holland – competed in the Women’s Masters D category and completed the 4,4 km course between Chiswick Bridge and Fulham Reach in 14 minutes 8 seconds. Despite overtaking Weybridge they were beaten into second place by Marlow; 12 seconds behind. As a result, Coach Michael demanded that everybody improve their 5k erg time by 15 seconds before the next race.

The men’s 8+ – coxed by Woody, the veteran olympian – was hit by a last-minute injury when Paul Arnold was forced to pull out after having put his back out while attempting a new workout – skipping! Luckily Chris Tidmarsh was able to step into the 7-seat to complete the lineup of Men’s Captain Nathan Goodman, Tim Primmer, Nigel Brophy, Jay Sitaraman, Jonathan Geitner, Michael Gatzoulis, and Zak Keene.

The men competed in the Masters E category and completed the course in 13 minutes 45 seconds – 24 seconds faster than last year despite competing in the younger Masters D category in 2023!

After the long row back to the UL boathouse – against the stream – crew members all went to the Bull’s Head to wait for the results and congratulate each other on a late but great start to the racing season.

Women’s 8+ (left to right): Michael Tchoubouroff – cox, Sue Holland, Izzy Meron, Hana Fegutova, Jackie Marie, Barbara Kielim, Mette Rodgers, Kasia Wroblewska, Louise Martin.

Men’s 8+ Standing (left to right): Nathan Goodman Men’s Captain, Michael Gatzoulis, Nigel Brophy,  Zak Keene, Jay Sitaraman, Chris Tidmarsh, Tim Primmer, Jonathan Geitner

In front (left to right): cox’s: Woody & Michael Tchoubouroff.

Women’s 8+: Michael Tchoubouroff – cox. 8. Kasia Wroblewska, 7. Jackie Marie, 6. Barbara Kielim, 5. Izzy Meron, 4. Louise Martin, 3. Hana Fegutova, 2. Mette Rodgers, 1. Sue Holland.

Men’s 8+: Woody – cox. 8. Nathan Goodman Men’s Captain, 7. Chris Tidmarsh, 6. Tim Primmer, 5. Nigel Brophy, 4. Jay Sitaraman, 3. Jonathan Geitner, 2. Michael Gatzoulis, 1. Zak Keene.


Top image:

Standing (left to right): Chris Tidmarsh, Jonathan Geitner, Jay Sitaraman, Michael Gatzoulis, Nigel Brophy, Hana Fegutova, Zak Keene, Barbara Kielim, Tim Primmer, Izzy Meron, Jackie Marie, Mette Rodgers, Kasia Wroblewska, Sue Holland.

Kneeling: (left to right): Louise Martin, cox: Michael Tchoubouroff.

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